Who We Are
Organic Secrets is a salt manufacturing company established in 1986, known for providing premium salt quality of different grades produced and processed in the most advance and latest method.Organic Secrets is labeled as the topmost ranking exporter for its systematic and well-planned products that go through uncompromising quality control and assurance.
The only Salt company in Pakistan that can offer every grade of salt and every sort of packaging according
We ready to serve you.
Firstly you order what you would like from the website or if unsure email or
We call you to confirm order delivery address and a suitable delivery time.
We deliver fresh fruit at the requested time and address.You enjoy it..
An invoice is sent after for pay-ment to your accounts department.
The Brand that guarantees its purity and finest quality
A brand that has a wide range of salt varieties. Products made in an innovative way and as per consumers’ demands
All the products have been packaged in reusable jars and shakers.
A Brand that takes pride in being certified for its different products.